
WWE SummerSlam 2011 Predictions of Results

WWE SummerSlam 2011 Predictions of Results

WWE SummerSlam 2011
SummerSlam is supposed to be the second biggest ppv of the year - the "party of the summer" as they try to market it (despite how it always takes place at the end of the summer when kids are shopping for back to school supplies...little oversight there eh?) but the past few years, SummerSlam hasn't quite lived up to par and instead, seems to be like the time of the year where instead of having the 2nd biggest matchups, they tend to have one selling point and the rest is all filler. There was a time period where CM Punk faced JBL in a match that nobody cared about and now look at where he is.

WWE Championship: CM Punk vs John Cena
They definitely needed to do this match. If they have another match like the last 1/3 of their match at MITB was, then this should be great. If they have another match like their first 1/3, then I'm going to dislike it, but I'm really digging the feud so I'm glad they didn't pull something stupid - like involve Mysterio in this. With Triple H as the referee, I can only assume that this goes one of two ways: HHH turns heel and screws John Cena out of the title, or HHH turns heel and screws CM Punk out of the title and John Cena is pissed about it afterward and grants Punk a rematch at Night of Champions. Now, there could be something in the mix with John Laurinaitis seemingly backing Cena and HHH backing Punk, and they keep talking about it being an undisputed champion, so they could have something where it's a draw of sorts, or Laurinaitis does the screwjob for Cena after HHH is knocked out somehow. I wouldn't mind seeing that, especially if it led to them saying that Johnny Ace was the Raw GM and ending that storyline. I liked it, but it hasn't been featured in a while and it will always take a backseat to COO-HHH, so they should just end it. Great promos and an interesting feud to say the least.

World Heavyweight Championship: Christian vs Randy Orton
I hope this is their last match. They've had good matches together but I'm tired of this feud, and I was hoping for a better stipulation than just a simple no-DQ. Orton should win the title here as Christian has nobody viable to face as a champion.

Divas Championship: Kelly Kelly vs Beth Phoenix
  If Beth is indeed dating CM Punk, then I wouldn't be If Beth is indeed dating CM Punk, then I wouldn't be surprised if this is a push to try to appease him, and thus, I wouldn't be surprised if Beth won. However, I don't think it's the time for that to happen. Kelly hasn't hit any stride as champ and I just can't imagine people getting behind a Beth title reign at the moment. surprised if this is a push to try to appease him, and thus, I wouldn't be surprised if Beth won. However, I don't think it's the time for that to happen. Kelly hasn't hit any stride as champ and I just can't imagine people getting behind a Beth title reign at the moment.
Mark Henry vs. Sheamus
I don't think it's the best idea to turn Sheamus face because I'm not sure what they do beyond him beating Henry here and then facing Christian after he drops the title to Orton. I fully expect Sheamus to win here as Henry winning would be the same thing that's happened lately. Sheamus wins, Henry gets pissed, squashes a jobber the next episode of Smackdown and bitches about losing to Sheamus, they have some sort of rematch on Smackdown, blah blah blah, Henry loses all clout and doesn't get to challenge Orton for the title with the same momentum as if he would do it if he dominated in this feud.

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